Initial Comprehensive Appointment

You get the following:
* A primary set of body chemistry numbers.
* Explanation of the numbers to find out where energy loss is happening.
* Consultation on how to restore energy with a specific eating and nutrition plan for your body chemistry

Follow-Up Appointment

You get the following:

Follow-up set of body chemistry numbers.
Explanation of the numbers to find out where energy loss is happening.
Consultation on how to adjust the specific eating plan to re-balance your body chemistry numbers.

I’ve been so blessed to have had many different work experiences in various industries such as: education, finances, insurance, real estate, non-profits, community engagements, construction, agriculture/farming and now I found my life’s calling as a certified body chemistry analyst. I’ve been on a mission to find true healing for my youngest daughter with intractable epilepsy for the last 13.5 years. I found it two years ago by meeting a stranger at the bookstore. We had a conversation and he suggested that I read this book, “Choose Life or Death,” by Dr. Carey Reams. I read the book and my dream of healing my daughter from epilepsy is coming true by learning and practicing the RBTI diet and lifestyle. I got certified on how to do the RBTI body chemistry testing using the saliva and urine samples. Once I know the body chemistry numbers; then I know what exact minerals/vitamins to eat from wholesome foods, how and when to feed her body to change the body chemistry towards the healing zone. Her body is healing itself from over 30 seizures per day to now averaging 5 or less seizures per day. Seeing the body’s healing power, I’m on a mission to spread the words that if we feed the body the right minerals/vitamins, we can have true healings. I look forward to working with you on your healing journey.

I’ve been so blessed to have had many different work experiences in various industries such as: e... Read More

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Located at: 1001 Johnson Parkway Ste B3, Saint Paul
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